CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2024

Indiana University, Spring 2024

This course studies the fundamental ideas for efficiently analyzing large amounts of data, such as DNA sequence databases and geographic information. These fundamental ideas come in two kinds: algorithms and data structures. Algorithms are instructions for solving problems and data structures are strategies for organizing information on computers. Efficient algorithms require appropriate data structures, and vice versa, so the study of algorithms and data structures is tightly linked. In this course we learn about the algorithms and data structures that form the building blocks for many of Today’s large-scale computer systems. We apply these ideas to solve challenging problems in bioinformatics and geographic information systems. Warning: a possible side-effect of taking this course is doing better on job interview questions.


Labs and Teaching Assistants

Expect at least one quiz per month during lab time.


Teaching Assistants

Office Hours

Office hours with TAs are in Luddy Hall Room 0121.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11am Anuj   Chenchao    
12pm Anuj, Aaron   Chenchao Niloy  
1pm Tianyu, Luke     Ganesh Meet
2pm Tianyu     Ganesh  
3pm Niloy Kyle Calvin Kyle Aaron
4pm Niloy (unil 4:30)   Calvin Meet  
5pm   Luke      


Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, 3rd Ed. by Mark A. Weiss

Slack (communicating with instructors and other students)

Workspace (signup)


Day Lecture Topic Reading Due Assignments and Due Dates Link
Jan. 9 Introduction      
Jan. 11 Arrays, Rotation, Testing Ch. 1    
Jan. 11 or 12     No lab  
Jan. 16 Algorithm Analysis (video) Ch. 2    
Jan. 18 Algorithm Analysis, continued (video)      
Jan. 18 or 19     Lab 1: Array Search and Testing code, test
Jan. 22     Lab 1 due  
Jan. 23 Linked Lists and Interfaces Ch. 3 sec. 1-5    
Jan. 25 More Interfaces, Binary Trees (video) Ch. 3 sec. 6-7,
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2
Jan. 25 or 26     Lab: work on
Project 1: Flood It,
Quiz 1
Jan. 29     Project 1 due  
Jan. 30 Binary Search Trees (video) Ch. 4 sec. 3 and 7    
Feb. 1 Balanced Search Trees (AVL) (video) Ch. 4 sec. 4    
Feb. 1 or 2     Lab 2: Merge Sort on Linked Lists code, test
Feb. 5     Lab 2 due  
Feb. 6 More AVL (video)      
Feb. 8 Code Review (Flood It!), Hash Tables (video) Ch. 5 sec. 1,2,3,5,6    
Feb. 8 or 9     Lab 3: Next Prev Binary Tree code, test
Feb. 12     Lab 3 due  
Feb. 13 Recipes for Time Analysis and Testing (video)      
Feb. 15 Heaps and Priority Queues (video) Ch. 6 sec. 1-4, 9    
Feb. 15 or 16     Lab: work on
Project 2: Segment Intersection,
Quiz 2
code, test
Feb. 20 Priority Queues, Code Review of Binary Trees (video)      
Feb. 22 Binomial Queues (video) Ch. 6 sec. 8    
Feb. 22 or 23     Lab: finish
Project 2: Segment Intersection
code, test
Feb. 26     Project 2 due  
Feb. 27 Quicksort (video) Ch. 7, sec. 1-7    
Feb. 29 Review for Midterm Exam (video)      
Feb. 29 and Mar. 1     No Labs  
Mar. 5 Midterm Exam (in class)      
Mar. 7 Sorting in Linear Time (video) Ch. 7 sec. 11    
Mar. 7 or 8     Lab 4: Binomial Heaps code, test
Mar. 10 - 17 Spring Break      
Mar. 18     Lab 4 due  
Mar. 19 Graphs and Breadth-first Search (video) Ch. 9, sec. 1, sec. 3.1    
Mar. 21 Depth-first Search (video) Ch. 9 sec. 6    
Mar. 21 or 22     Lab 5: Generic Quicksort code, test
Mar. 25     Lab 5 due  
Mar. 26 Shortest Paths (video) Ch. 9 sec. 3    
Mar. 28 Union Find (video) Ch. 8    
Mar. 28 or 29     Lab 6: Connected Components,
Quiz 3
code, test
Apr. 1     Lab 6 due  
Apr. 2 Minimum Spanning Tree (video) Ch. 9 sec. 5    
Apr. 4 Backtracking and Testing Connected Components (video) Ch. 10 sec. 5    
Apr. 4 or 5     Lab: work on
Project 3: Routing Wires
Apr. 9 Dynamic Programming (video) Ch. 10, sec. 3    
Apr. 11 DNA Alignment (video)      
Apr. 11 or 12     Lab: finish
Project 3: Routing Wires
Apr. 15     Project 3 due  
Apr. 16 More Dynamic Programming (video)      
Apr. 18 Greedy Algorithms (video)      
Apr. 18 or 19     Lab: DNA Sequence Alignment,
Quiz 4
code, test
Apr. 22     Lab DNA due  
Apr. 23 Code Review (Routing Wires) (video)      
Apr. 25 Review for Final Exam (video)      
Apr. 30 Final Exam 10:20am–12:20 pm for 1724 (Jeremy) and 8am–10am for 14377 (Funda).      


Grade Weighting

Late Policy

This policy applies to labs, projects, textbook exercises, and quizzes. For quizzes, you can do a make-up quiz during office hours. This policy does not apply to the midterm and final exam. When you complete something late, there is a 10% deduction to its grade.

100% before 1st deadline
90% before 2nd deadline (one week after 1st)
0% after 2nd deadline

Bias-Based Incident Reporting.

Bias-based incident reports can be made by students, faculty and staff. Any act of discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability can be reported through any of the options:

1) email or;

2) call the Dean of Students Office at (812) 855-8188 or

3) use the IU mobile App ( Reports can be made anonymously.

Counseling and Psychological Services.

CAPS has expanded their services. For information about the variety of services offered to students by CAPS visit:

Disability Services for Students (DSS).

The process to establish accommodations for a student with a disability is a responsibility shared by the student and the DSS Office. Only DSS approved accommodations should be utilized in the classroom. After the student has met with DSS, it is the student’s responsibility to share their accommodations with the faculty member. For information about support services or accommodations available to students with disabilities and for the procedures to be followed by students and instructors, please visit:

Students needing additional financial or other assistance.

The Student Advocates Office (SAO) can help students work through personal and academic problems as well as financial difficulties and concerns. SAO also assists students working through grade appeals and withdrawals from all classes. SAO also has emergency funds for IU students experiencing emergency financial crisis

Academic Misconduct.

If you suspect that a student has cheated, plagiarized or otherwise committed academic misconduct, refer to the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct:

Sexual Misconduct.

As your instructor, one of my responsibilities is to create a positive learning environment for all students. Title IX and IU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibit sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic violence. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help.

If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with:

It is also important that you know that Title IX and University policy require me to share any information brought to my attention about potential sexual misconduct, with the campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator or IU’s Title IX Coordinator. In that event, those individuals will work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available. Protecting student privacy is of utmost concern, and information will only be shared with those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. I encourage you to visit to learn more.