CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2024

Lecture Overview

More Interfaces (aka. Abstract Data Types)

Stack (LIFO)

analogy: stack of pancakes

interface Stack<E> {
	void push(E d);
	E pop();
	E peek();
	boolean empty();

Example uses:


Queue (FIFO)

Analogy: checkout line at a grocery store

interface Queue<E> {
	void enqueue(E e); // aka. push
	E dequeue(); // aka. pop
	E front();
	boolean empty();

Example uses:



Like a set in mathematics. A collection of elements where the ordering of the elements is not important, only membership matters. Set ignores duplicates.

interface Set {
   void insert(int e);
   void remove();
   boolean member(int e);
   boolean empty();
   Set union(Set other);
   Set intersect(Set other);
   Set difference(Set other);

Implementations of Set are the topic of several future lectures.

Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees


Taking stock with respect to Flood-it! and the Set ADT

  array linked list sorted array
membership test O(n) O(n) O(log(n))
insertion O(1) O(1) O(n)

BinaryNode and BinaryTree Classes

class BinaryNode<T> {
	T data;
	BinaryNode<T> left;
	BinaryNode<T> right;

	BinaryNode(T d, BinaryNode<T> l, BinaryNode<T> r) {
			data = d; left = l; right = r;

public class BinaryTree<T> {
	BinaryNode<T> root;

	public BinaryTree() { root = null; }
	// ...

We can traverse a binary tree in several different ways:

preorder(node) { output preorder(node.left) preorder(node.right) }

inorder(node) { inorder(node.left) output inorder(node.right) }

postorder(node) { postorder(node.left) postorder(node.right) output }


            / \
           /   \
          5     14
         / \     \
        2   7     19

        pre:  10,5,2,7,14,19
        in:   2,5,7,10,14,19
        post: 2,7,5,19,14,10

Recursion Tree written as an “outline”

Next and Previous operations with respect to inorder traversal

Running example binary tree:

    /  \
   /    \
  3     10
 / \      \
1   6      14
   / \    /
  4   7  13

inorder: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14

Helper functions first and last

Find the first node according to an inorder traversal of the subtree.


What’s the first node in the above tree? answer: 1

What’s the first node of the subtree rooted at 6? answer: 4

public BinaryNode<T> first();

Algorithm: Go to the left as far as you can.

Find the last node according to an inorder traversal.

public BinaryNode<T> last();

Algorithm: Go to the right as far as you can.

Helper functions nextAncestor and prevAncestor

Given a node, find the ancestor that would come next according to an inorder traversal, or return null if there is none.

You may assume that each node has a parent attribute.

Student in-class exercise:

BinaryNode<T> nextAncestor() {
 if (this.parent == null) {
   return null;
 } else if (this.parent.right == this) {
   return this.parent.nextAncestor();
 } else if (this.parent.left == this) {
   return this.parent;

keep going up so long as the node is the right child, when left child, return parent


BinaryNode<T> nextAncestor() {
	if (parent != null && this == parent.right) {
		return parent.nextAncestor();
	} else {
		return parent;

Given a node, find the ancestor that would come before the node according to an inorder traversal, or return null if there is none.

BinaryNode<T> prevAncestor();

How to find the next node according to an inorder traversal?


What is after 3? Answer: 4.

What is after 7? Answer: 8.

If their is a right child, get the first node in the subtree. Otherwise, find the next ancestor.

public BinaryNode<T> next() {
	if (right == null) {
	   return nextAncestor();
	} else {
	   return right.first();

What is the time complexity? answer: $O(h)$ where $h$ is the height of the tree.

Finding the previous node is similar.