CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2024

Lecture: Linked lists and Interfaces

“The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler. The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages. Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao. But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.”

–The Tao of Programming

Overview of the lecture

Linked Lists

Problem: removing from an array is slow. One must shift all the following elements to the left.

=> (remove 2)

need to track number of elements separately from array length

waste of space

time complexity is O(n)

Alternative: linked structures

linked list:

class Node {
   Node(int d, Node n) { data = d; next = n; }
   int data;
   Node next;

erasing is O(1): to erase node [3], change next pointer of node [2]

[1]->[2]  [3]->[4]-///

static void remove_next(Node n) {
    if ( == null) {
    } else { =;

inserting in the middle is O(1)

insert_after(L, 10):

static void insert_after(Node n, int d) {
    Node m = new Node(d,; = m;

What are the disadvantages of linked lists?

Pattern: Forward Traversal of a List

for (Node n = begin; n != end; n = {
   ... ...

where begin and end are references to nodes and specify a half-open interval within a linked list.

To process an entire list, begin is the head of the list and end is null.

Example find_first_equal on linked list

Node find_first_equal(Node begin, Node end, int x) {
    Node n;
    for (n = begin; n != end; n = {
       if ( == x)
    return n;

Java Generics, a quick reminder

Classes and methods may have type parameters, written inside the symbols < and >.

The body of a class and method may refer to the type parameters anywhere you would use other types (variable declarations, etc.).

class Node<T> {
  T data;
  Node<T> next;

class MapNode<K, V> {
  K key;
  V value;
  MapNode<K,V> next;

When using the class, choose a type argument for each parameter. Here we choose Integer for the parameter T.

Node<Integer> n = new Node<Integer>(42, null); 


Java Interfaces, a quick reminder

An interface acts as an intermediary between data structures and algorithms.

An interface specifies some methods that are common to several data structures and that are needed by one or more algorithms.

Example: the Sequence and Iterator interfaces

Enables visiting all the elements in order.

interface Sequence<T> {
    Iter<T> begin();
    Iter<T> end();

interface Iter<T> {
    T get();
    void advance();
    boolean equals(Iter<T> other);
    Iter<T> clone();

Example: Linear Search using the Sequence and Iterator Interfaces

static <T> Iter<T> find_first_equal(Sequence<T> S, T x) {
   for (Iter<T> i = S.begin(); ! i.equals(S.end()); i.advance()) { // i != S.end()
      if (i.get() == x) {
         return i;
   return S.end();

List implementation of Sequence

class LinkedList<T> implements Sequence<T> {
   Node<T> head;
   public class ListIter implements Iter<T> {
     Node<T> position;
	 ListIter(Node<T> pos) { position = pos; }
	 T get() { return; }
	 void advance() { 
	    position =;
	 boolean equals(Iter<T> other) {
	    return this.position == other.position;
	 Iter<T> clone() { ... }
   Iter<T> begin() {
     return new ListIter(this.head);
   Iter<T> end() {
     return new ListIter(null);

Why abstract data types like iterators?

Iterators add a fair amount of complexity, so there needs to be a benefit that outweighs the cost, otherwise it would be better to do without them.

Answer: code reuse.

Example: the equals algorithm for comparing the contents of two sequences. Consider how much code is needed to implement this algorithm for arrays (A), singly-linked lists (SL), doubly-linked lists (DL), and combinations of them. The algorithm has two parameters, so you’d need 9 different versions of the equals algorithm!

A 1 2 3
SL 4 5 6
DL 7 8 9

Here’s the code for the A-A combination

static <T> boolean equals(T s1[], T s2[]) {
        int j = 0; 
        for (int i = 0; i != s1.length; ++i) {
                if (j == s2.length || s1[i] != s2[j])
                        return false;
        return j == s2.length;

Student in-class exercise: implement the SL-A version (without iterators).

Abstraction is the act of removing characteristics that are not relevant to your immediate purpose while retaining the characteristics that are necessary.

The Sequence and Iter interfaces provide an abstract view of a sequence of elements for the purpose of algorithms that need to traverse sequences and inspect their elements.

The algorithms speak the ‘iterator’ language (i.get(), i.advance()). Each iterator implementation translates to a different ‘data structure’ language, e.g., the array language (A[i], ++i).

| Data Structure   | Iter Implementation            |   Abstraction                   | Algorithms   |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ------------ |
| Array            | ArrayIter (`A[i]`,`++i`)       | Iter (`i.get()`,`i.advance()`)  | `equals`     |
| LinkedList       | ListIter (``,``) |                                 | `find_first` |
| DoublyLinkedList | DLIter   (``,``) |                                 | `max`        |

Using the Sequence and Iter interfaces, we can implement 1 version of equals that does the same job as all 9 specific versions! (And many more!)

public static <T, U> boolean equals(Sequence<T> s1, Sequence<U> s2, BiPredicate<T,U> eq) {
    Iter<T> j = s2.begin();
    for (Iter<T> i = s1.begin(); ! i.equals(s1.end()); i.advance()) {
        if (j.equals(s2.end()) || ! eq.test(i.get(), j.get()))
                return false;
    return j.equals(s2.end());

LinkedList<Integer> L = ...
ArrayList<Integer> A = ...
equals(L, A)

Student in-class exercise: implement a max algorithm that returns the maximum element of a Sequence.

public static <T> T max(Sequence<T> s, T zero, BiPredicate<T, T> less);

Here’s what you need to know about BiPredicate:

interface BiPredicate {
    boolean test(T t, U u);

Student in-class exercise: implement Sequence using an array

Now the algorithms on Sequence (find_first_equal, equals, etc.) can also be used with Array!

Array<Integer> B = new Array<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i != 20; ++i) {
  B[i] = i;
Iter<Integer> i = find_first_equal(B, 10);
assert i.get() == 10;

Iter<Integer> i = find_first_equal(B, 30);
assert i == B.end();

The solutions to the in-class exercises are here.