CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2024

Lecture: Graphs and Breadth-first Search

The standard mathematical way to represent a graph G is with a set of vertices V and a set of edges E, that is, G = (V,E).

In a directed graph, each edge is a pair of vertices where the first vertex is called the source and the second is the target.

In an undirected graph, each edge is a set containing two distinct vertices.

I often use n for the number of vertices and m for the number of edges.

The following is an example of a directed graph.

**Example of a directed graph.**

The set of vertices for this graph is


The set of edges is

{(0,0), (1,2),(1,4),  (2,5),  (3,5),(3,0),  (4,2),  (5,4),  }.

The following is an undirected graph.

**Example of an undirected graph.**

The set of vertices is {0,1,2,3,4}.

The set of edges is { {1,2},{1,0}, {2,3},{2,4},{2,0}, {3,4}, {4,0} }.

We often writes an undirected edge as (1,2) or 1-2 instead of {1,2}.

Adjacency List

The Adjacency List representation of a graph is an array of linked lists.

Example: for the above directed graph the adjacency list representation is

 |0| -> 0
 |1| -> 2 -> 4
 |2| -> 5
 |3| -> 0 -> 5
 |4| -> 2
 |5| -> 4

Example: for the above undirected graph the adjacency list representation is

 |0| -> 1 -> 2 -> 4
 |1| -> 0 -> 2
 |2| -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 0
 |3| -> 2 -> 4
 |4| -> 0 -> 3 -> 2

(Each edge is stored twice.)

Adjacency lists are good for storing sparse graphs.

Adjacency Matrix

The Adjacency Matrix representation of a graph is a Boolean matrix.

Example, for the directed graph above.

  0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 1 0 0 0 0 1
4 0 0 1 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 1 0

Example, for the undirected graph above.

  0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 0
2 1 1 0 1 1
3 0 0 1 0 1
4 1 0 1 1 0

Note that the matrix is symmetric.

Adjacency matrices are good for dense graphs.

How could we represent Adjacency Matrices in Java?

Breadth-First Search

Def. a path is a sequence of edges such that the target of each edge matches the source of the next edge in the sequence. We sometimes abbreviate a path to v₀ ⇒ vₖ, where v₀ is the source of the first edge and vₖ is the target of the last edge. We write v₀ ⇒ᵏ vₖ when the length of the path is important. Also, when talking about multiple different paths, we might use a subscript to give the path a name, such as v₀) ⇒ₓ vₖ.

Problem: compute the shortest paths from vertex g to all other vertices in the graph.

**Compute shortest paths from vertex g.**

Example: what is a shortest path from g to f?

Possible solution: g → k → j → f, length 3.

To prove this is really the shortest, we need to make sure there are no paths of length less-than 3 from g to f.

How do we prove that? Well, look at all paths of length less-than 3 that start from g.

Length 0 paths:


Length 1 paths:

g → c

g → k

Length 2 paths:

g → c → d

g → k → l

g → k → j

Good, none of the paths from g with length less-than 3 reach f.

So indeed, g → k → j → f is the shortest path from g to f.

BFS Algorithm

Towards a general algorithm for BFS, can we compute all the k+1 length shortests paths given all the k-length shortest paths?

Draw a picture of the wave-front of the k-length shortest paths and the out-edges on the wave-front.

High-level Algorithm:

for k = 0...n
  for each path s ⇒ᵏ u:
	for each edge {u,v} incident to u:
	  If we don't already have a shortest-path to v, 
	  then s ⇒ᵏ⁺¹ u is a shortest path from s to v.

What data structures should we use?

Version 1 of the algorithm

static <V> void
bfs_v1(Graph<V> G, V start, Map<V,Boolean> visited, Map<V,V> parent) {
	for (V v : G.vertices())
		visited.put(v, false);
	int k = 0;
	ArrayList<V> ends = new ArrayList<V>();
	parent.put(start, start);
	visited.put(start, true);
	while (k != G.num_vertices()) {
		ArrayList<V> new_ends = new ArrayList<V>();
		for (V u : ends) 
			for (V v : G.adjacent(u))
				if (! visited.get(v)) {
					parent.put(v, u);
					visited.put(v, true);
		ends = new_ends;

Some observations about version 1

Final version of breadth-first search

static <V> void
bfs(Graph<V> G, V start, Map<V,Boolean> visited, Map<V,V> parent) {
	for (V v : G.vertices())
		visited.put(v, false);
	Queue<V> Q = new LinkedList<V>();
	parent.put(start, start);
	visited.put(start, true);
	while (! Q.isEmpty()) {
		V u = Q.remove();
		for (V v : G.adjacent(u))
			if (! visited.get(v)) {
				parent.put(v, u);
				visited.put(v, true);

Student group work

Example run of BFS version 2

**BFS exercise.**

queue       parents
[A]         P[A] = A
[B,D]       P[B] = A, P[D] = A
[D,C]       P[C] = B
[C,E]       P[E] = D

**Solution: a BFS tree.**

Time complexity of BFS