CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2025

Shortest Paths

We have seen the shortest path problem where each edge counts as distance 1 and we used BFS to solve it. Now we consider graphs where each edge has a real number for its weight.

Motivation for the shortest path problem:

Notation: We write w(u,v) or w(e) for the weight of an edge.

Definition The weight of a path is the sum of the weights of its edges. We also use the term distance for the weight of a path.

So for path p = e₁, e₂, …, eᵣ

w(p) = Σ{i∈1..r} w(eᵢ)

As with BFS, we’ll focus on the single-source shortest-paths problem: finding the shortest path from a source vertex to every other vertex in the graph. Other alternatives are:

Algorithm Preview

Brute force: compute the length of every path

But this is exponential time: there are O(2ⁿ) paths. Here’s a worst-case scenario.

**Graph with an exponential number of paths.**

Negative-weight edges

Negative weight edges are not very common in applications.

Some shortest-path algorithms handle this (Bellman-ford), some do not (Dijkstra, DAG Shortest Paths).

None of the algorithms handle graphs with negative-weight cycles, as the notion of shortest-path doesn’t make sense on such graphs.


**Graph with negative-weight cycle.**

The shortest path from S to C is -1.

The shortest path from S to A is undefined because you can keep going around the cycle A → D → E → B, which has weight -2.

We can avoid negative weights in some situations by shifting weights up.

Dijkstra Shortest Paths

Like BFS, the idea is to expand the wavefront of shortest-paths so far.

The challenge is to figure out how to explore paths in the order of their weight. Consider the following graph with the source vertex S.

**Example graph.**

Growing the shortest paths tree in order of path weight:

        W=0   S

        W=1   S-1->A

        W=2   S-1->A-1->B

        W=3   S-1->A-1->B

        W=5   S-1->A-1->B
                   |   |
                   4   1
                   |   |
                   V   V
                   D   E

        W=6   S-1->A-1->B
                   |   |
                   4   1
                   |   |
                   V   V
              C<-1-D   E

Dijkstra’s approach to growing the tree is to store all the potential next vertices (those that are adjacent to the tree) in a priority queue ordered by the path weight within the current tree plus the weight of the lightest edge to that vertex.

Consider The situation above where the shortest paths tree has grown to include paths of weight 3:

        W=3   S-1->A-1->B

Consider all of the out-edges from nodes in the tree to nodes not yet in the tree.

              S   A
             8|   |4
              V   V
              C   D<-3-E

So the shortest path so far to these vertices is

C: 8       (S-8->C)
D: 5       (S-1->A-4->D)

Then the minimum of the priority queue gives the next shortest path, in this case, the path to D.

        W=5   S-1->A-1->B
                   |   |
                   4   1
                   |   |
                   V   V
                   D   E

In the followinng we grow the shortest-paths tree again, but this time use the priority queue to keep track of which node to pick for expanding the tree.

               SPT                  Priority Queue
        W=0    S                    A:1, C:8

        W=1    S---A                B:2, D:5, C:8

        W=2    S---A---B            E:3, D:5, C:8

        W=3    S---A---B            D:5, C:8

        W=5    S---A---B            C:6  (decrease key!)
                   |   |
                   |   |
                   D   E

        W=6    S---A---B
                   |   |
                   |   |
               C---D   E

Student group work: use Dijkstra’s to compute the distances from S to all the other vertices in the following graph.

**Student problem for Dijkstra shortest paths.**


           S: 0
           T: 8
           X: 9
           Y: 5
           Z: 7

Time Complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Shortest paths exhibit optimal substructure

That is, a subpath of a shortest path is a shortest path.

More precisely, if you have a shortest path

v₀ →ᵣ vᵢ →p vⱼ →q vk

then the subpath p

vᵢ →p vⱼ

is a shortest path from vᵢ to vⱼ.

Proof. Suppose vᵢ →p vⱼ is not a shortest path from vᵢ to vⱼ. Then we splice the shortest path p’ from vᵢ to vⱼ into the path v₀ → vk to get

v₀ →ᵣ vᵢ →p' vⱼ →q vk

which is a shorter path from v₀ to vk. But that contradicts the assumption that

v₀ →ᵣ vᵢ →p vⱼ →q vk

was a shortest path.

Take away: the optimal substructure property is why we can grow shortest paths from smaller shortest paths.