CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2025

Lecture: Depth-first Search

Depth-first search chooses to go deeper at each step, following an out-edge from the current vertex to a never-before-seen vertex. If there are no out-edges to never-before-seen vertices, then the search backtracks to the last visited vertex with out-edges to never-before-seen vertices and continues from there.

Show DFS on the following graph, starting at g:

**Depth-first search starting from vertex g.**

Similar to BFS, DFS traverses a tree, a depth-first tree:

**Depth-first tree rooted at vertex g.**

Sometimes all the nodes in a graph are not reachable from the starting node. Consider the following graph, starting at vertex A.

**Depth-first search starting from vertex A.**

The search from A will reach B, C, and D, but not E, F, G and H. In such situations, one can restart the depth-first search at another vertex. For example, we could restart at the first vertex (alphabetically) that has not yet been visited, which would be E. The depth-first search from E would then reach the remaining vertices, including F, G, and H. But what happens with vertex D? It is reachable from both A and E. The usual thing is to not revisit any nodes, even after restarting. So vertex D would be visited in the search that started from A but not in the search that started from E.

There are two ways to implement DFS. The first is like the algorithm for BFS, but replaces the queue with a stack.

while not stack.empty()
  u = stack.pop()
  if not visited[u]
	visited[u] = true
	for v in G.adjacent(u)
	  if not visited[v]
		parent_map[v] = u

The second algorithm for DFS is recursive:

DFS(u, G, parent_map, visited) =
  if not visited[u]
	visited[u] = true
	for v in G.adjacent(u)
	  if not visited[v]
		parent_map[v] = u
		DFS(v, G, parent_map, visited)

DFS and BFS both are good choices for generic search problems, that is, when you’re searching for a vertex.

Student group work

Perform DFS on the following graph

**DFS exercise.**

Are any of the DFS trees the same as a BFS tree for this graph? Why not?

(Solution at the bottom of the lecture.)

Edge Categories

In the following we’ll continue to use this example graph:

**Depth-first search starting from vertex g.**

We can categorize the edges of the graph with respect to the depth-first tree in the following way:

A graph has a cycle if and only if there is a back edge.

The DFS algorithm can compute the categories if we use a color scheme to mark the vertices instead of just using a done flag. The colors are:

During DFS, when considering an out-edge of the current vertex, the edge can be categorized as follows:

Do the DFS example again but with the white/gray/black colors.

Discover and Finish Times

We can discover yet more structure of the graph if we record timestamps on a vertex when it is discovered (turned from white to gray) and when it is finished (turned from gray to black).

This is useful when constructing other algorithms that use DFS, such as topological sort. Here are the discover/finish times for the DFS tree we computed above, shown again below.

**Depth-first tree with discover/finish times.**

What’s the relationship between topological ordering and depth-first search?

Let’s look at the depth-first forest and discover/finish times of the makefile graph.

**Makefile dependencies with discover/finish time.**

Here’s the vertices ordered by finish time: f,d,a,b,e,c.

That’s the reverse of one of the topological orders: c,e,b,a,d,f.

Why is that? A vertex is finished after every vertex that depends on it is finished. That’s the same as topological ordering except we’ve swapped before for after.

Exercise Solutions

There are multiple depth-first trees:

**Solution 1 DFS tree.**

**Solution 2 DFS tree.**