The Deduce system has two parts: a programming language and a proof language. The user of Deduce writes some functions in the Deduce programming language and then writes proofs in the Deduce proof language about the correctness of their funnctions. The Deduce system checks that the proofs are correct.
In this lecture we introduce the Deduce programming language.
The main way to represent data in Deduce is with union
The following statement defines a union type named Fruit
and it
defines three kinds of fruit: apples, oranges, and bananas.
union Fruit {
We can create fruit values by mentioning one of the alternatives. The
following statements put an apple into variable f1
and a banana into
define f1 : Fruit = apple
define f2 : Fruit = banana
Of course, we all know that bananas tend to go rotten quickly, so we
should keep track of that information. We can accomplish that by
adding a parameter of type bool
to the banana
union Fruit {
and now when we create a banana, we have to say whether it is rotten or not.
define f3 : Fruit = banana(false)
define f4 : Fruit = banana(true)
We can inspect and dispatch on values of union type using Deduce’s
statement. The following statement inspects the fruit f4
and figures out whether it is rotten or not. In the case for banana
Deduce initializes the r
variable to true
(because f4
define r4 : bool =
switch f4 {
case apple { false }
case orange { false }
case banana(r) { r }
To check whether the result of an term produces true
, use the assert
It will halt with an error if the term produces false
assert r4
A linked list is a data structure that represents a sequence of
elements. Each element is stored inside a node and each node also
stores a link to the next node, or to the special empty value that
signifies the end of the list. The following is a linked list
that represents the sequence 7, 4, 5
___ ___ ___
| 7 |--> | 4 |--> | 5 |-/
--- --- ---
In Deduce we can define the type of linked lists of natural numbers
with the following union
type. (Nat
is the type of natural numbers
and is defined in lib/
union NatList {
Node(Nat, NatList)
Then we can create the linked list for 7, 4, 5
with the following
statement that creates three nodes.
define L = Node(7, Node(4, Node(5, Empty)))
The len
function, defined below returns the number of elements in
a linked list. The length of an empty list is 0
and the length of a
list that starts with a node is one more than the length of the list
starting at the next node.
function len(NatList) -> Nat {
len(Empty) = 0
len(Node(n, next)) = 1 + len(next)
The length of list L
defined above is 3
assert len(L) = 3
Recursive functions in Deduce are somewhat special to make sure they always terminate.
One often needs to create lists with other kinds of elements, not just
. Thus, Deduce supports generic unions. Here is the generic
type defined in lib/
union List<T> {
node(T, List<T>)
For example, the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3
is represented
by the following linked list.
define list_123 : List<Nat> = node(1, node(2, node(3, empty)))
As shorthand for a sequence of node
with empty
at the end, there
is square-bracket syntax for creating a list.
define list_456 = [4,5,6]
Because List
is generic, we can create a list that contains lists.
define list_of_list = [list_123, list_456]
From lib/
function length<E>(List<E>) -> Nat {
length(empty) = 0
length(node(n, next)) = 1 + length(next)
Deduce provides an if-then-else term that branches on the value of a
boolean. For example, the following if-then-else term is evaluates to
print if length([1,2,3]) = 3 then 42 else 0
The following search
function returns the position in the list of
the first occurence of the given number.
function search(List<Nat>, Nat) -> Nat {
search(empty, y) = 0
search(node(x, xs), y) =
if x = y then 0
else 1 + search(xs, y)
If the given number is not in the list, then search
returns an index
that is one-past the last element of the list.
assert search(list_123, 1) = 0
assert search(list_123, 2) = 1
assert search(list_123, 3) = 2
assert search(list_123, 4) = 3
The time complexity of search
is O(n) where n is the length of the
list. This is because the depth of the recursion is n (in the worst
case) and the search
function does at most a constant amount of work
in each call (the comparison x = y
, the if
, and the addition 1 +
The import
declaration makes available the contents of another
Deduce file in the current file. For example, you can import the
contents of lib/
as follows
import Nat
If you need to import a file from some other directory, use
the --dir directory-name
flag with
to specify
that other directory.
You can ask Deduce to print a value to standard output using the
print 5
The output is 5
) (non-recursive)Functions are created with an term that starts with the fun
keyword, followed by parameter names and their types, then the body of
the function enclosed in braces. For example, the following defines a
function for computing the area of a rectangle.
define area = fun h : Nat, w : Nat { h * w }
To call a function, apply it to the appropriate number and type of arguments.
assert area(3, 4) = 12
The Pair
type is define in lib/
as a generic union:
union Pair<T,U> {
The first
function returns the first element of the pair
and second
returns the second element.
function first<T,U>(Pair<T,U>) -> T {
first(pair(x,y)) = x
function second<T,U>(Pair<T,U>) -> U {
second(pair(x,y)) = y
The following is an example of creating a pair and then accessing its first and second elements.
assert first(pair(3,7)) = 3
assert second(pair(3,7)) = 7
) (non-recursive)Generic non-recursive functions are created with a combination of
and fun
. Start with the generic
keyword, followed by
the list of type parameters, then an open brace, then the function
), and finally a close brace.
define swap = generic T, U { fun p:Pair<T,U> { pair(second(p), first(p)) } }
assert first(swap(pair(1,2))) = 2
assert second(swap(pair(1,2))) = 1