Taking stock with respect to Flood-it! and the Set interface
array | linked list | sorted array | |
membership test | O(n) | O(n) | O(log(n)) |
insertion | O(1)* | O(1) | O(n) |
How do we keep the array sorted when inserting more elements?
Use binary search for insertion.
What’s the time complexity?
O(n) because we still have to shift elements down.
We’d like something that can do both membership test and insertion in O(lg n).
Can we create a hybrid of the sorted array and the linked list?
Yes: binary search trees!
This lecture we discuss binary trees as a lead-up to discussing binary search trees in the next lecture.
class BinaryNode<T> {
T data;
BinaryNode<T> left;
BinaryNode<T> right;
BinaryNode(T d, BinaryNode<T> l, BinaryNode<T> r) {
data = d; left = l; right = r;
public class BinaryTree<T> {
BinaryNode<T> root;
public BinaryTree() { root = null; }
// ...
We can traverse a binary tree in several different ways:
preorder(node) {
output node.data
inorder(node) {
output node.data
postorder(node) {
output node.data
/ \
/ \
5 14
/ \ \
2 7 19
pre: 10,5,2,7,14,19
in: 2,5,7,10,14,19
post: 2,7,5,19,14,10
Recursion Tree written as an “outline”