CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2025

Time Complexity

We are interested in the running time as the inputs grow large.

We care about the growth rate of an algorithm’s run-time more than it’s value at a particular point.

We focus on the worst-case run-time of algorithms because we want to offer guarantees to the user of an algorithm that hold for all possible inputs.

Our goal is to classify functions that grow at a similar rate, ignoring details that don’t matter.

Functions to think about: n, 10n, log n, n log n, 10 n², n² + n

Big-O: Asymptotic Upper Bound

Definition A function f is asympotically less-or-equal function g, written f ≲ g, iff

∃ k c. ∀ n ≥ k. f(n) ≤ c g(n).

Alternatively, the asympotic growth of functions can be characterized using limits.

f ≲ g iff lim{n→∞} f(n)/g(n) is greater or equal zero and not infinity.

Definition (Big-O) For a given function g, we define O(g) as the the set of functions that as asympotically less-or-equal to g.

O(g) = { f | f ≲ g}

We say that g(n) is an asymptotic upper bound of all the functions in the set O(g).

Demonstrate the main idea and the role of k and c.

e.g. 4x versus x²

  1. Is 4x ≲ x²?
  2. Is x² ≲ 4x?

e.g. x + 10 versus x

  1. Is x + 10 ≲ x?
  2. Is x ≲ x + 10?

Review of ∃

∃ means “there exists”

Proof rules:

(⇒∃) To prove ∃ x. P(x), choose x=k and show P(k).

(∃⇒) If you have an assumption ∃ x. P(x), then you have P(y) for any fresh variable y.

Let’s see these rules used in an example.

Example of ∃

We define “x is even” as ∃ k. 2 k = x.

Theorem. 6 is even Proof. Choose k=3 and note that 2 × 3 = 6. QED.

Theorem. If x and y are even, then x + y is even. Proof. Assume x is even, so (∃ k. 2 k = x) so 2 k₁ = x (∃⇒). Assume y is even, so (∃ k. 2 k = y) so 2 k₂ = y (∃⇒).

x + y = 2k₁ + 2k₂ = 2(k₁ + k₂) (1)

We need to show that x + y is even. It suffices to show that (∃ k. 2 k = x + y). Choose k = k₁ + k₂ and note that 2(k₁ + k₂) = x + y by equation (1). QED

Review of ∀

∀ means “for all”

Proof rules:

 ∀ x. x + x = 2x 
 fix y arbitrary number
 y + y = 2y   (cause math)

To prove ∀ x. P(x), (⇒∀) prove that P(y) is true for some unknown entity y. (Induction) If x is a natural number, use induction: * prove P(0) * prove that P(k) implies P(1+k) for an unknown number k.

(∀⇒) If you have an assumption ∀ x. P(x), then you known P(y) for any choice of y.

Example of ∀

Theorem. ∀ n. n is even implies n + 2 is even. Proof. Let p be a arbitrary number. (⇒∀) Assume that p is even, that is, (∃k. 2 × k = p). So 2 × k₁ = p by (∃⇒) (1)

We need to show that p + 2 is even, that is, (∃ k. 2 × k = p + 2).

Aside: We need prove an equation similar to 2 × k = p + 2 except with something else in the k position. Equation (1) has p on the right-hand side, so we could add 2 to both sides: 2 × k₁ + 2 = p + 2 then factor out the 2 2 × (k₁ + 1) = p + 2 (2) and now we’re in good shape because this equation is the same as 2 × k = p + 2 except that we have (k₁ + 1) in place of k. Now back to the proof.

Choose k = k₁ + 1 and note that 2 × (k₁ + 1) = p + 2 by equation (2). QED.

Theorem. 2 is even. Proof. 0 is even because 2 × 0 = 0. 2 is even by applying the above theorem and rule (∀⇒). QED.

Back to Big-O

Recall the definition:

f ≲ g iff ∃ k c. ∀ n ≥ k. f(n) ≤ c g(n).

Example Let’s show that (n² + n + 10) ≲ n². So we need to find a constant c such that

n² + n + 10 ≤ c n²   when n is large.

We divide both sides by n².

1 + 1/n + 10/n² ≤ c

When n is large, the terms 1/n and 10/n² get very small, so we need to choose something a bit bigger than 1, so we choose c = 2.

Next we need to find a constant k such that

n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n²   when n is greater than k.

We compute a handful of values of these functions.

n n² + n + 10 2n²
1 12 2
2 16 8
3 22 18
4 30 32
5 40 50
6 52 72

We see that from n=4 and onwards, 2n² is greater than n² + n + 10, so we choose k = 4. We have some emprical evidence that we’ve made the correct choices, but to know for sure, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem ∀ n. if n ≥ 4 then n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n².

Proof. We proceed by induction on n.