CSCI C343 Data Structures Spring 2025

Discovering and Generalizing Lemmas

When theorems get more complicated, we sometimes need to prove auxilliary theorems (aka. lemmas) to get past sticky parts of the proof. Formulating these lemmas takes some skill, so it is worth seeing an example of how to do that.

Let’s try to prove a simple property of reverse. Applying reverse twice should take us back to the original list.

reverse(reverse(ls)) = ls

We dive into the proof, doing induction on the list. However, we get stuck because we can’t apply the induction hypothesis. There’s an append in between the two reverses.

theorem reverse_reverse_first_attempt: all U :type. all ls :List<U>.
  reverse(reverse(ls)) = ls
  arbitrary U :type
  induction List<U>
  case [] {
    conclude reverse(reverse(@[]<U>)) = [] by definition reverse
  case node(n, ls') suppose IH: reverse(reverse(ls')) = ls' {
        = reverse(reverse(ls') ++ [n])         by definition reverse
    ... = node(n,ls')                          by sorry

The following equation ought to be true:

reverse(reverse(ls') ++ [n]) = [n] ++ reverse(reverse(ls'))

and if it were, then we could complete the proof as follows

        = reverse(reverse(ls') ++ [n])         by definition reverse
    ... = [n] ++ reverse(reverse(ls'))         by ?
    ... = [n] ++ ls'                           by IH
    ... = node(n,ls')                          by definition operator++

So would could try to prove the following lemma.

lemma first_lemma: all U:type, ls:List<U>, n:U.
  reverse(reverse(ls) ++ [n]) = [n] ++ reverse(reverse(ls))

However, this lemma is overly complicated because it includes two uses of reverse on the left-hand side, but the inner one is just along for the ride. So we can generalize the lemma a little bit by replacing reverse(ls') with ls'.

lemma second_lemma: all U:type, ls':List<U>, n:U.
  reverse(ls' ++ [n]) = [n] ++ reverse(ls')
  arbitrary U:type
  induction List<U>
  case [] {
    arbitrary n:U
    conclude reverse(@[]<U> ++ [n]) = [n] ++ reverse(@[]<U>)
      by evaluate
  case node(x, ls') 
    assume IH: (all n:U. reverse(ls' ++ [n]) = [n] ++ reverse(ls')) {
    arbitrary n:U
          reverse(node(x, ls') ++ [n]) 
        = reverse(node(x, ls' ++ [n]))     by definition operator++
    ... = reverse(ls' ++ [n]) ++ [x]       by definition reverse
    ... = ([n] ++ reverse(ls')) ++ [x]     by rewrite IH[n]
    ... = [n] ++ reverse(ls') ++ [x]       by append_assoc<U>
    ... = [n] ++ #reverse(node(x, ls'))#   by definition reverse

The above second_lemma gets the job done, but it is slightly inelegant because the [n] is not as general as it could be. We can replace [n] with an arbitrary list ys. However, when we do so, we need to reverse it on the other side of the equality. Now we have a beautiful lemma that says if you append two lists then reverse the result, that’s the same as reversing the two lists and then appending the two results.

lemma rev_append: all U :type. all xs :List<U>. all ys :List<U>.
  reverse(xs ++ ys) = reverse(ys) ++ reverse(xs)
  arbitrary U :type
  induction List<U>
  case [] {
    arbitrary ys :List<U>
          reverse(@[]<U> ++ ys)
        = reverse(ys)                     by definition operator++
    ... = # reverse(ys) ++ [] #           by rewrite append_empty<U>[reverse(ys)]
    ... = # reverse(ys) ++ reverse([]) #  by definition reverse
  case node(n, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary ys :List<U>
          reverse(node(n,xs') ++ ys)
        = reverse(node(n, xs' ++ ys))                by definition operator++
    ... = reverse(xs' ++ ys) ++ [n]                  by definition reverse
    ... = (reverse(ys) ++ reverse(xs')) ++ [n]       by rewrite IH[ys]
    ... = reverse(ys) ++ (reverse(xs') ++ [n])       by append_assoc<U>[reverse(ys)][reverse(xs'), [n]]
    ... = # reverse(ys) ++ reverse(node(n,xs')) #    by definition reverse

With the rev_append lemma in hand, we can complete the proof of the reverse_reverse theorem.

theorem reverse_reverse: all U :type. all ls :List<U>.
  reverse(reverse(ls)) = ls
  arbitrary U :type
  induction List<U>
  case [] {
    conclude reverse(reverse(@[]<U>)) = []   by definition reverse
  case node(n, ls') suppose IH: reverse(reverse(ls')) = ls' {
          = reverse(reverse(ls') ++ [n])           by definition reverse
      ... = reverse([n]) ++ reverse(reverse(ls'))  by rev_append<U>[reverse(ls')][[n]]
      ... = reverse([n]) ++ ls'                    by rewrite IH
      ... = node(n,ls')                            by definition {reverse,reverse,operator++}