CSCI H343 Data Structures Fall 2024

DNA Sequence Alignment (aka. Edit Distance) via Dynamic Programming


Introduction to DNA Sequence Alignment

A strand of DNA is a string of molecules called bases: one of adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Biologists are interested in comparing the DNA of different organisms and determining how similar they are.

One way to measure how similar two strands of DNA is to see how well they align. That is, we try to line up the two sequences such that we have as many matching characters across from each other as possible. We can insert gaps (written as underscores) in either sequence to try to help them line up.

The similarity of two S and T strands is the score of the best alignment. The score is computed as follows, using an auxiliary function called match to process the score for individual characters.

static int match(char c1, char c2) {
	if (c1 == '_' || c2 == '_') {
		return -1;
	} else if (c1 == c2) {
		return 2;
	} else {
		return -2;

static int score(char[] S, char[] T) {
	int total = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i != S.length; ++i) {
		total += match(S[i], T[i]);
	return total;

Example alignment:



An alignment: (Categories: | for match, ! for mismatch, . for gap)


score = (5 × 2) + (3 × -2) + (4 × -1) = 0

A better alignment:


score = (6 × 2) + (8 × -1) = 4

Another example alignment:



An alignment:


score = (6 × 2) + (1 × -2) + (4 × -1) = 6

Another alignment with the same score:


score = (6 × 2) + (0 × -2) + (6 × -1) = 6

Edit Distance

We can view the alignment problem as computing edit distance, that is, how many edits are required to turn the first string into the second string. The edits can be one of the following:

Recursively enumerate all of the feasible solutions

We can choose among the following options for each location in the alignment:

  1. Take a character from the end of each string and line them up.


     T = GGATCGA

    Partial Output:

     A     rest of S = GAATTCAGTT
     A     rest of T = GGATCG
  2. Take a character from the end of S and put a gap on the other side. We call this choice a deletion because, to get from S to T, we deleted a character.

    Partial Output:

     A     rest of S = GAATTCAGTT
     _     rest of T = GGATCGA
  3. Insert a gap in the first string and take a character from the end of T. We call this choice an insertion because, to get from S to T, we inserted a character.

    Partial Output:

     _     rest of S = GAATTCAGTTA
     A     rest of T = GGATCG

For each choice, recursively process the rest of S and T, finding the score for the rest, then add in the score for the current choice.

Return the max of all the choices.

Subproblem identification

Instead of using the entire rest of S and T as the inputs to the recursive function, we can simply use two integers, i and j, to mark how far into S and T we currently are, that is, which prefix of S and T correspond to the current subproblem.


To memoize the results, we can use a 2D table indexed by i and j, the length of the prefix of S and T.

T[0][0] = 0
T[0][j] = j * -1      for j = 1...|T|
T[i][0] = i * -1      for i = 1...|S|
T[i][j] = max(M,I,D)  for j = 1...|T| and i = 1...|S|
		  M = score(S[i-1], T[j-1]) + T[i-1][j-1]   // M for match/mismatch
		  I = T[i][j-1] - 1                         // I for insert
		  D = T[i-1][j] - 1                         // D for delete


      T =            G     G     A
      j =      0  |  1  |  2  |  3
    S i = 0 |  0  |I:-1 |I:-2 |I: -3
      G   1 |D:-1 |M:2  |M:1
      A   2 |D:-2 |D:1  |
      A   3 |D:-3 | 

Evaluating the 3 options for each cell in the table (each prefix of S and T)
i=1, j=1  (align "G" and "G")
  M=+2+0=+2  (diagonal NW) *** winner! ***
  I=-1-1=-2  (left)
  D=-1-1=-2  (up)

i=2, j=1  (align "GA" and "G")
  M=-2-1=-3  (diagonal NW)
  I=-1-2=-3  (left)
  D=-1+2=+1  (up)    *** winner! ***

i=1, j=2  (align "G" and "GG")
  M=+2-1=+1     *** winner! ***

Complete Solution:

      T =            G     G     A
      j =      0  |  1  |  2  |  3
    S i = 0 |  0  |I:-1 |I:-2 |I:-3
      G   1 |D:-1 |M:2  |M:1  |I:0
      A   2 |D:-2 |D:1  |M:0  |M:3
      A   3 |D:-3 |D:0  |I:-1 |D:2

The alignment:

    S= _GAA
    T= GGA_

score = 2