analogy: stack of pancakes
interface Stack<E> {
void push(E d);
E pop();
E peek();
boolean empty();
Example uses:
Analogy: checkout line at a grocery store
interface Queue<E> {
void enqueue(E e); // aka. push
E dequeue(); // aka. pop
E front();
boolean empty();
Example uses:
Like a set in mathematics. A collection of elements where the ordering
of the elements is not important, only membership matters.
ignores duplicates.
interface Set {
void insert(int e);
void remove();
boolean member(int e);
boolean empty();
Set union(Set other);
Set intersect(Set other);
Set difference(Set other);
Implementations of Set
are the topic of several future lectures.
Taking stock with respect to Flood-it! and the Set ADT
array | linked list | sorted array | |
membership test | O(n) | O(n) | O(log(n)) |
insertion | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) |
How do we keep the array sorted when inserting more elements?
Use binary search for insertion.
What’s the time complexity?
O(n) because we still have to shift elements down.
We’d like something that can do both membership test and insertion in O(lg n).
Can we create a hybrid of the sorted array and the linked list?
Yes: binary search trees!
This lecture we discuss binary trees as a lead-up to discussing binary search trees in the next lecture.
class BinaryNode<T> {
T data;
BinaryNode<T> left;
BinaryNode<T> right;
BinaryNode(T d, BinaryNode<T> l, BinaryNode<T> r) {
data = d; left = l; right = r;
public class BinaryTree<T> {
BinaryNode<T> root;
public BinaryTree() { root = null; }
// ...
We can traverse a binary tree in several different ways:
/ \
/ \
5 14
/ \ \
2 7 19
pre: 10,5,2,7,14,19
in: 2,5,7,10,14,19
post: 2,7,5,19,14,10
Running example binary tree:
/ \
/ \
3 10
/ \ \
1 6 14
/ \ /
4 7 13
Find the first node according to an inorder traversal within a subtree.
What’s the first node in the above tree? answer: 1
What’s the first node of the subtree rooted at 6? answer: 4
public BinaryNode<T> first();
Algorithm: Go to the left as far as you can.
Find the last node according to an inorder traversal.
public BinaryNode<T> last();
Algorithm: Go to the right as far as you can.
Given a node, find the ancestor that would come next according to an inorder traversal, or return null if there is none.
You may assume that each node has a parent
Student in-class exercise:
BinaryNode<T> nextAncestor();
keep going up so long as the node is the right child, when left child, return parent
BinaryNode<T> nextAncestor() {
if (parent != null && this == parent.right) {
return parent.nextAncestor();
} else {
return parent;
Given a node, find the ancestor that would come before the node according to an inorder traversal, or return null if there is none.
BinaryNode<T> prevAncestor();
What is after 3? Answer: 4.
What is after 7? Answer: 8.
If their is a right child, get the first node in the subtree. Otherwise, find the next ancestor.
public BinaryNode<T> next() {
if (right == null) {
return nextAncestor();
} else {
return right.first();
What is the time complexity? answer: $O(h)$ where $h$ is the height of the tree.
Finding the previous node is similar.