CSCI H343 Data Structures Fall 2023

Lecture: Heaps and Priority Queues, Continued

Recap: Heaps

       /      \
     14        10
    /  \      /  \
   /    \    /    \
  8      7  9      3
 / \    /
2   4  1

Idea: store elements in an array left-to-right, one level at a time, top-to-bottom.

          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
        [16,14,10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1]

Def. A max heap is a heap in which for every node other than the root, A[i] ≤ A[parent(i)].

This is called the heap property or max-heap property. One can instead create a min-heap by flipping this around.

Heap class:

public class Heap<E> {
        ArrayList<E> data;
        BiPredicate<E,E> lesseq;

sortInPlace method

Idea: swap the max (the root) with the last element, call max_heapify, then shrink the heap by 1. Similar to extract_max but does a swap instead of move.

static <E> void sortInPlace(ArrayList<E> A, 
                            BiPredicate<E,E> lessThanOrEqual)
    Heap<E> H = new Heap<E>(lessThanOrEqual); = A;
    for (int i  = - 1; i != 0; --i) {
        swap(, 0, i);
        H.max_heapify(0, i);

Time complexity: The for loop executes n times, and max_heapify is O(log(n)), so we have O(n log(n)).

insert method

void insert(E k) {
    if (data.size() + 1 ≥ data.size()) {
        ArrayList<E> d = new ArrayList<>((data.size() + 1) * 2);
        for (E e : data)
        data = d;
    increase_key(data.size() - 1);

The time complexity is amortized log(n).

Aside: Loop Invariants

A loop invariant is a statement about the current state of affairs that it true at the beginning of each loop iteration.

The tricky thing about a loop invariant is that the state of affairs is changing, so it must be abstract enough to capture some property that stays the same. That usually means that it is some kind of formula involving the loop index. One usually obtains a loop invariant by means of guess and check. First, make a guess at the loop invariant. Then check whether it satisfies the following 3 conditions:

  1. show that the loop invariant is true before the start of the loop
  2. assuming that the loop invariant is true at the beginning of the loop body and assuming that the loop condition is true, show that the loop invariant is true at the end of the loop body. (Do this for a hypothetical iteration of the loop.)
  3. show that the loop invariant combined with the loop condition being false logically implies the correctness criteria for the algorithm.

If all 3 are satisfied, then you have a valid loop invariant. Otherwise, you need to revise your guess and check again.

build_max_heap method (take 2, time permitting)

void build_max_heap() {
    int last_parent = data.size() / 2 - 1;
    for (int i = last_parent; i != -1; --i) {
        max_heapify(i, data.size());

Why does this procedure work? What is the loop invariant? Answer: the invariant is that the trees rooted at positions from i+1 to the end are max heaps.

What is the time complexity? Answer: O(n log(n)) is the easy answer, but not tight.

The tight upper bound is O(n) which can be obtained by observing that the time for max_heapify depends on the height of the node, and build_max_heap calls `max_heapify many times on nodes with a low height.

Consider how many nodes there can be in an n-element heap at each height. The worst cast is a complete tree. For example,

     n = 7

      _o_        height 2, 1 node
     /   \
    o     o      height 1, 2 nodes
   / \   / \
  o   o o   o    height 0, 4 nodes

num. nodes at height 2 =  1 = ⌈ n / 8 ⌉  =  ⌈ n / 2^(2+1) ⌉
num. nodes at height 1 =  2 = ⌈ n / 4 ⌉  =  ⌈ n / 2^(1+1) ⌉
num. nodes at height 0 =  4 = ⌈ n / 2 ⌉  =  ⌈ n / 2^(0+1) ⌉

In general,

num. nodes at hight h ≤ ⌈ n / 2^(h+1) ⌉

So we can sum these up, from h=0 to log(n), with O(h) cost for each:

time(n) =  ∑      h × ⌈ n / 2^(h+1) ⌉

Pull out the n, multiply the right-hand side by 2 (change h+1 to h), and remove the ceiling.

time(n) ≤  n × ∑      h / 2^h

Reorganize the h / 2^h

time(n) ≤  n × ∑      h × (1/2)^h        (1)

Recall formula A.8.

∑   k × x^k    =   x / (1 - x)², for |x| < 1           (A.8)

Let x = 1/2 and exchange k for h in A.8 to get the following.

∑   h × (1/2)^h    =   (1/2) / (1 - (1/2))²   =  (1/2) / (1/4)  =  2

Note that

log(n)                      ∞
∑      h × (1/2)^h    ≤    ∑   h × (1/2)^h   =  2
h=0                         h=0

So with inequation (1) we have

time(n) ≤  n × 2

So the time complexity of build_max_heap is O(n).

Recap of Heap Methods

Priority Queues

In Java:

class PriorityQueue<E> {
    Heap<E> heap;
    PriorityQueue(BiPredicate<E,E> lessThanOrEqual) {
        heap = new Heap<>(lessThanOrEqual);
    void push(E key) {
    E pop() {
        return heap.extract_max();