CSCI H343 Data Structures Fall 2023

Lab 2: Array Search

Overview and Submission

In the previous lab, we developed test cases for three array search algorithms. This time we are going to implement those algorithms as methods of a class called Search.

You may reuse the IntelliJ project from last time. Create file src/ which contains a public class called Search. When your lab is complete, submit your file to Autograder.

By the way, make sure to test your solutions locally using the test cases from Lab 1 first!

Problem Set

Problem 1: Linear Search on an Array of Booleans

Implement the search function find_first_true that finds the position of the first true in array A of boolean values, that is, find the smallest index i such that A[i] is true. The search is restricted to the subarray within A that starts at the begin index and finishes one element before the end index (half-open interval [begin,end)). If there are no true elements in the subarray, then find_first_true returns the end position of the subarray. The caller of find_first_true always provides a valid half-open range: begin <= end, 0 <= begin, begin <= A.length, 0 <= end, and end <= A.length. The time it takes for your algorithm to run should be proportional to the length of the array A.

[Example 1] If the input array A is

{false, false, true, false, true}

then the result should be 2 because A[2] == true and there are no true elements at lower indices (A[0] and A[1] are both false).

[Example 2] Suppose A is the array

{true, false, true, false, true}

and we search in the half-open interval [1,3). The answer should be 2.

find_first_true(A, 1, 3) == 2

Add the following method to the Search class and fill-in the implementation:

public static int find_first_true(boolean[] A, int begin, int end) {
    // ...

Problem 2: Linear Search on an Array of Integers

⚠️ Use find_first_true to implement the function find_first_equal that searches on an array of integers, with the goal of finding the position of the first element that is equal to the x parameter. If there are no elements equal to x, the length of the array is returned. Again, the time it takes for your algorithm to run should be proportional to the length of A.

[Example 3] Suppose A is the array

{32, 11, 4, 5, 99, 5, 32, 75}

then the result of search for 5 should be 3:

find_first_equal(A, 5) == 3

Implement the following method in the Search class:

public static int find_first_equal(int[] A, int x) {
    // ...

Problem 3: Binary Search on an Array of Booleans

Similar to Problem 1, we search on an array of booleans and look for the position of the first true. This time we suppose that all of the false elements in the array come before all of the true elements (sorted).

Implement find_first_true_sorted(A, begin, end), which returns the position of the first true in array A, that is, it finds the smallest index i greater or equal to begin and less than end such that A[i] is true. If there is no true within the half-open range [begin,end), it returns end. The caller always supplies a valid half-open range which means begin <= end, 0 <= begin, begin <= A.length, 0 <= end, and end <= A.length. Furthermore, the caller also ensures that A must already be sorted, so that all the false elements come before any true elements.

The algorithm should be more efficient and runs in time proportional to the ⚠️logarithm of the length of the array, by looking at the element in the middle and restricting the search to the right or left subarray depending on its value.

[Example 4] Suppose A is the sorted array

{false, false, true, true, true, true, true}

The position of the first true element is 2 in this case.

Implement your algorithm in the following method of the Search class. Again, restrict your search to the half-open interval [begin,end):

public static int find_first_true_sorted(boolean[] A, int begin, int end) {
    // ...