
Course web page for Data Structures H343 Fall 2022

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Code Review for Merge Sort on Linked Lists

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Binary Search Trees

Idea: use binary trees to implement the Set interface, such that doing a search for an element is like doing binary search.

The Binary-Search-Tree Property: For every node x in the tree,

  1. if node y is in the left subtree of x, then <, and
  2. if node z is in the right subtree of x, then <

(We are considering BSTs that do not allow duplicates.)

We can also use BSTs to implement the Map interface (aka. “dictionary”).

interface Map<K,V> {
   V get(K key);
   V put(K key, V value);
   V remove(K key);
   boolean containsKey(K key);

Binary Search Tree and Node Classes

BinarySearchTree is like BinaryTree (has a root) but also has a lessThan predicate for comparing elements.

class BinarySearchTree<K> {
	Node root;
	BiPredicate<K, K> lessThan;
	class Node {
		K data;
		Node left, right, parent;

We define Node as a class nested inside BinarySearchTree for convenience.

find, search, and contains methods of BinarySearchTree.

Example: Search for 6, 9, 15 in the following tree:

    /   \
   /     \
  3       10
 / \        \
1   6       14
   / \     /
  4   7   13

Find the node with the specified key, or if there is none, the parent of where such a node would be.

protected Node find(K key, Node curr, Node parent) {
    if (curr == null)
        return parent;
    else if (lessThan(key,
        return find(key, curr.left, curr);
    else if (lessThan(, key))
        return find(key, curr.right, curr);
        return curr;

public Node search(K key) {
    Node n = find(key, root, null);
    if (n != null &&
        return n;
        return null;

public boolean contains(K key) {
    return search(key) != null;

What is the time complexity? answer: O(h), where h is the height of the tree

Student in-class exercise:

insert into a binary search tree using the find method.

Return the inserted node, or null if the key is already in the tree.


public Node insert(K key) {
    Node n = find(key, root, null);
    if (n == null){
        root = new Node(key);
        return root;
    } else if (lessThan(key, {
        Node x = new Node(key);
        n.left = x;
        return x;
    }  else if (lessThan(, key)) {
        Node x = new Node(key);
        n.right = x;
        return x;
    } else
        return null;

What is the time complexity? answer: O(h) where h is the height of the tree.

Remove node z

Solution for remove:

public void remove(T key) {
   Node n = remove_helper(root, key);
   if (n != null) {
      root = n;

private Node remove_helper(Node n, int key) {
    if (n == null) {
        return null;
    } else if (lessThan(key, { // remove in left subtree
        n.left = remove_helper(n.left, key);
		n.left.parent = n;
        return n;
    } else if (lessThan(, key)) { // remove in right subtree
        n.right = remove_helper(n.right, key);
		n.right.parent = n;
        return n;
    } else { // remove this node
        if (n.left == null) {
            return n.right;
        } else if (n.right == null) {
            return n.left;
        } else { // two children, replace with first of right subtree
            Node min = n.right.first(); // min == n.right
            n.right = n.right.delete_first(); // another helper function
		    n.right.parent = n;
            return n;