
Course web page for Data Structures H343 Fall 2022

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Dynamic Programming


The term dynamic programming was coined by Richard Bellman in 1950 as a way to describe his work to a US senator. Bellman was solving optimization problems at RAND Comporation for the Air Force and came up with an efficient technique based on bottom-up memoization. The term “programming” was meant in the sense of creating a plan (e.g. the “program” for an opera). The term “dynamic” was chosen partialy because it sounded cool and partly because of its connection to time-varying behaviour in physics.

Example: The rod-cutting problem

Given 1) a rod of length n and 2) a price function that maps rod-lengths (integers) to dollars,

How should you cut up the rod to maximize the amount of money?

Example table:

length: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
price:  1  5  8  9 10 17 17 20 24 30

Let p[i] be the price for a continuous rod of length i (the second row in the above table).

Let r[n] be the optimal total price for a rod of length n.

n r[n]
0 0
1 1 (no cuts)
2 5 (no cuts)
3 8 (no cuts)
4 10 = p[2] + p[2]
5 13 = p[2] + p[3]
6 17 (no cuts)
7 18 = p[1] + p[6]
8 22 = p[2] + p[6]

Recursive solution to rod cutting problem

For each possible first cut, recursively solve the rest, then take the max of the possibilities.

r[n] = max of (p[i] + r[n-i]) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

We define a class named CutResult to store the solution to a subproblem. In this case, the location of the cut, the cost, and a pointer to the solutions for the sub-subproblems.

class CutResult {
   CutResult(int c, int amt, CutResult r) { cut = c; cost = amt; rest = r; }
   int cut;
   int cost;
   CutResult rest;

The recursive function cut_rod implements this algorithm.

static CutResult cut_rod(int[] P, int n) {
   if (n == 0) { // base case
	  return new CutResult(0, 0, null);
   } else { // recursive
	  CutResult best_yet = null;
	  // try all possible choices of the next cut
	  for (int i = 1; i != n+1; ++i) {
	     // recursively solve the subproblem
		 CutResult rest = cut_rod(P, n - i);
		 // compute the solution based on this choice
		 int cost = P[i] + rest.cost;
		 // record the best choice so-far
		 if (best_yet == null || best_yet.cost < cost) {
			best_yet = new CutResult(i, cost, rest);
	  // Commit to the best choice as the solution
	  return best_yet;

Pattern for recursive solution to optimal substructure

  1. figure out how to identify subproblems e.g., length of remaining rod to cut
  2. base case handles smallest subproblems e.g., rod of length 0
  3. recursive case a) try all possible choices of decomposing current problem into subproblems b) recursively solve the subproblems c) compute the solution based on each alternative d) choose the best one

Overlapping Subproblems

Sometimes the same subproblems occur over and over.

Consider the problem tree (which corresponds to the procedure call tree) for cut_rod.

    |- cut_rod(4)
    |  |- cut_rod(3)
    |  |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(3)
    |  |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(0)

Memoization (cache solutions)

  1. Record each solution that you find.

  2. Before computing a solution, first check to see if it has already been solved, and if so, just lookup the solution.

Student exercise: implement a memoized version of cut_rod.


static int cut_rod_memo(int[] P, int n) {
   CutResult[] R = new CutResult[n+1];
   return cut_rod_memo_aux(P, n, R).cost;

static CutResult cut_rod_memo_aux(int[] P, int n, CutResult[] R) {
   if (R[n] != null) {
	  return R[n];
   } else if (n == 0) {
	  R[n] = new CutResult(0, 0, null);
	  return R[n];
   } else {
	  CutResult best = null;
	  for (int i = 1; i != n+1; ++i) {
		 CutResult rest = cut_rod_memo_aux(P, n - i);
		 int cost = P[i] + rest.cost;
		 if (best == null || best.cost < cost) {
			best = new CutResult(i, cost, rest);
	  R[n] = best;
	  return best;

Dynamic Programming (Bottum Up)

What we’ve discussed so far is a recursive top-down approach.

We can also solve the subproblems in a bottom-up fashion.

Recall the problem tree for rod cutting:

    |- cut_rod(4)
    |  |- cut_rod(3)
    |  |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(3)
    |  |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(2)
    |  |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(1)
    |  |- cut_rod(0)
    |- cut_rod(0)

Note that problems only depend on subproblems with smaller rod length.

So we can start with rod length 0 (which has no dependencies) and then proceed to longer rods.

static int cut_rod_dyn_prog(int[] P, int n) {
	CutResult[] R = new CutResult[n+1];
	// Solve the leaf problem
	R[0] = new CutResult(0, 0, null);
	// Solve the rest of the problems, bottom-up
	for (int j = 1; j != n+1; ++j) {
		CutResult best = null;
		for (int i = 1; i != j+1; ++i) { // iterating over possible choices
			CutResult rest = R[j - i];
			int cost = P[i] + rest.cost;
			if (best == null || best.cost < cost) {
				best = new CutResult(i, cost, rest);
		R[j] = best;
	return R[n].cost;

The time complexity of cut_rod_dyn_prog is O(n²) because of the double-nested loops.


When to apply dynamic programming?

Develop a recursive solution and test correctness.

Change to memoized or bottom-up (dynamic programming) for efficiency.

Running time of dynamic programming depends on the number of subproblems times the number of choices that need to be considered per problem.

Consider the subproblem graph. The number of choices is the out-degree and the number of subproblems is the number of vertices.