
Repository for the Fall 2021 course web page

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Lecture: More Algorithm Analysis

A manager went to the master programmer and showed him the requirements document for a new application. The manager asked the master: ‘‘How long will it take to design this system if I assign five programmers to it?’’ ‘‘It will take one year,’’ said the master promptly. ‘‘But we need this system immediately or even sooner! How long will it take if I assign ten programmers to it?’’ The master programmer frowned. ‘‘In that case, it will take two years.’’ ‘‘And what if I assign a hundred programmers to it?’’ The master programmer shrugged. ‘‘Then the design will never be completed,’’ he said.

– Tao of Programming

Review of Big-O:

Definition (Big-O) f ∈ O(g) iff ∃ k c. ∀ n ≥ k. f(n) ≤ c g(n).

Notation (asymptotically less-or-equal) f ≲ g iff f ∈ O(g)

Example 4x versus x²

  1. Is 4x ≲ x²?
  2. Is x² ≲ 4x?

e.g. x + 10 versus x

  1. Is x + 10 ≲ x?
  2. Is x ≲ x + 10?

Example Let’s show that (n² + n + 10) ∈ O(n²). So we need to find a constant c such that

n² + n + 10 ≤ c n²

when n is large. We divide both sides by n².

1 + 1/n + 10/n² ≤ c

When n is large, the terms 1/n and 10/n² get very small, so we need to choose something a bit bigger than 1, so we choose c = 2.

Next we need to find a constant k such that n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n² when n is greater than k. We compute a handful of values of these functions.

n n² + n + 10 2n²
1 12 2
2 16 8
3 22 18
4 30 32
5 40 50
6 52 72

We see that from n=4 and onwards, 2n² is greater than n² + n + 10, so we choose k = 4. We have some emprical evidence that we’ve made the correct choices, but to know for sure, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem ∀ n ≥ 4, n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n².

Proof. We proceed by induction on n.

Student exercise

Show that 2 log n ∈ O(n / 2).

Hint: experiment with values of n that are powers of 2 because it is easy to take the log of them:

log(2) = 1
log(4) = 2
log(8) = 3

Reasoning about asymptotic upper bounds