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An optimization problem is a problem in which the goal is to find an optimal solution among a set of feasible solutions.
Example Suppose you are preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail. Select food from a grocery store that will fit in your backpack while maximizing the number of calories. You have room for 5 pounds of food in your backpack. (This is the 0-1 Knapsack Problem.)
In general, an optimization problem defines a
In the above knapsack problem, the
Some optimizations problems can be solved using a divide-and-conquer strategy because they have a property called optimal substructure.
Definition A problem has optimal substructure if an optimal solution to the problem can be constructed from optimal solutions of subproblems.
The 0-1 Knapsack Problem has optimal substructure. Consider an optimal solution for the 5 pound limit that consists of n items. If you remove any one of the items, say a burrito weighing 1 pound, you have an optimal solution for the subproblem of maximizing calories for 4 pounds.
Definition A problem has the greedy-choice property is an optimal solution can be constructed using locally optimal choices.
The 0-1 Knapsack Problem does not have the greedy-choice property. However, a small change to the problem gives it this property.
The Fractional Knapsack Problem is like the 0-1 Knapsack Problem except that you are allowed to select a fraction of an item from the grocery store. This problem has the greedy-choice property because one can iteratively select an item with the highest ratio of calories to weight, and if neccessary, cut the item into a fraction to fit into the backpack.
Small changes in problem statements can cause significant changes in which techniques and algorithms can be used to solve them. Because the Fractional Knapsack Problem has the greedy-choice property, it can be solved using a Greedy Algorithm that is especially efficient. The 0-1 Knapsack Problem is more difficult and requires the use of Dynamic Programming. We study Greedy Algorithms this week and Dynamic Programming next week.
Fit the maximum number of weddings into a single wedding hall over a period of 20 hours, given that each wedding has a particular requested start and end time.
0 5 10 15 20
| | | | |
|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| acitivity #
. 0,0 0
------ 1,4 1 *
---- 3,5 2
------------ 0,6 3
---- 5,7 4 *
------------ 3,9 5
-------- 5,9 6
-------- 6,10 7
------ 8,11 8 *
-------- 8,12 9
------------------------ 2,14 10
-------- 12,16 11 *
Try all valid combinations:
for i = 0...n-1
select activity i, remove all conflicting activities,
recursively select from the rest of the activities
remember if this is the best combination seen so far
Can we make an optimal choice without seeing all combinations?
What if we work from left to right and
pick the activity that finishes first thereby leaving the most time to other activities.
Proof that this greedy choice is optimal:
Suppose that we have an optimal solution A, that is, a maximal set of activities that do not conflict with each other. Now the greedy choice is the activity x that finishes first. If activity x is in A, then we are done. On the other hand, suppose the activity x is not in A. Let x’ be the first activity to finish amongst those in A. We can replace x’ with x to get a new solution. That is, let A’ = (A - {x’}) ∪ {x}. The set A’ is also an optimal solution because x does not conflict with any of the other activities: its finish time is less than that of x’, and therefore, less than the start time of any other activity in A. Also, the size of A’ is the same as A.
class Activity {
Activity(int s, int f) { start = s; finish = f; }
int start;
int finish;
The following function activity_selector
implments the
greedy algorithm for wedding planning.
array maps activity numbers to activity objects.
The activities are already sorted by finish time.static LinkedList<Integer>
activity_selector(Activity[] activity, int k, int n) {
int m = k + 1;
// skip over activities that start too soon
while (m < n && activity[m].start < activity[k].finish)
m += 1;
if (m < n) {
LinkedList<Integer> A = activity_selector(activity, m, n);
return A;
} else {
return new LinkedList<Integer>();
Recurrence Formula
T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n)
T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n)
= (T(n-2) + O(n-1)) + O(n)
= O(1) + O(2) + ... O(n-1) + O(n) = n^2/2 in O(n^2)
Time complexity:
Tighter upper bound, based on analyzing the accesses to the activity array:
Suppose we’ve got a long DNA sequence such as the following
and want to store it using less space
Idea: use shorter binary codes for higher-frequency words.
CTCT: 4 occurrences
Also, to avoid needing a separator, use a prefix code. That is, make sure that no code is a prefix of another code.
The parsing algorithm is: read the first code, then the second, and so on.
To parse an individual code, use a Finite-State Automata in the shape of a tree.
A message uses letters A-H with the following number of occurences.
A:10, B:1, C:1, D:2, E:6, F:2, G:1, H:1
Fixed-length encoding uses 3 bits for each character A=000, B=001, C=010, D=011, etc.
_/ \_
0/ \1
/ \
/\ /\
0/ \1 0/ \1
/ \ / \
0/\1 0/\1 0/\1 0/\1
24 total characters in the message to be encoded.
Total length is 72.
Variable length encoding: A=0(1), B=11000(5), C=11001(5), D=1101(4), E=10(2), F=1110(4), G=11110(5), H=11111(5).
/ \
A 0/\1
/ \
E 0/\1
_/ \_
/ \
0/\1 / \1
/ D 0/ 0/\1
0/\1 F / \
Code-length multiplied times number of occurences yields the following for each letter:
A=10, B=5, C=5, D=8, E=12, F=8, G=5, H=5
Total length is 58.
In general, the total number of bits to encode a string s using tree T is given by
bits(s, T) = Σ(c∈C) freq(c,s) × depth(T,c)
where depth(T,c) is the depth of character c in the tree T and freq(c,s) is the frequency of character c in s (i.e. number of occurences).
We work from back to front with respect to the encoding, choosing which bits for which words. We want to pick the lowest frequency words, because the longest codes go the farthest back.
Intuition: make the choice that uses the fewest bits for the final encoded string.
Put the words (singleton trees) into a min priority queue where the priority is the frequency of the word.
Pop two trees from the queue, create a subtree whose frequency is the sum of the two:
|- B[1]
|- C[1]
Go back to 2. as long as there is more than one item in the queue.
| |-2
| | |- B[1]
| | |- C[1]
| |-D[2]
|- G[1]
|_ H[1]
Build a dictionary mapping each word to its code.
recursively walk through the tree, keeping track of the current path, and add to the dictionary when you get to a leaf.
Iterate through the string and translate each word by using the dictionary.
Create the Huffman code (tree) for the following alphabet with frequencies.
a b c d e f
45 13 12 16 9 5
a solution:
/ \
55 a(45)
0/ \1
| \
30 25
0/ \1 0/ \1
14 d b c
0/ \1
f e
Decode the following message, encoded using the above Huffman tree.